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Gender equality policy


The people who are part of the company constitute its true competitive advantage. The principles of inclusion and non-discrimination represent, for Artigo S.p.A., an indispensable value of civilization and affirmation of the universal rights of humanity, as well as a strategic factor for the company’s development. Indeed, making the work environment inclusive and rich in diversity is an ethical responsibility but also a success factor, which fuels innovative processes, stimulates human resources and generates value for both the company and its customers. Therefore, Artigo S.p.A. encourages business practices and processes that ensure the protection of diversity and inclusion, encourage women’s empowerment, and ensure equal opportunities and treatment.

In line with these principles and in the wake of the document “National Strategy for Gender Equality” issued by the Italian Department for Equal Opportunities and the European Commission’s “Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025,” Artigo S.p.A. has set up a management system and a Strategic Plan in accordance with the requirements of the Italian UNI/PdR 125:2022 Reference Practice. The aim is to achieve goals that cover, but are not limited to, the issue of gender equality. Furthermore, the company created a Steering Committee that oversees its proper implementation.

Within this management model, this Policy seeks to formalize and communicate to its stakeholders its commitment to creating an inclusive and equitable work environment that values diversity and repudiates all forms of discrimination. This commitment is articulated in the following areas:


The company recognizes the value of training and promotes its access. Furthermore, the company raises people’s awareness of – and respect for – the principles of diversity and inclusion through specific training on ethical principles and best practices related to issues of inclusiveness, gender equality, sustainability and work life balance.


The company implements a zero-tolerance approach against any form of physical, verbal, or digital harassment or abuse or any other offensive and discriminatory behavior. Furthermore, the company encourages anyone who believes s/he has been subject to unfair treatment and/or have been the victim of incidents of discrimination to report it through the appropriate channel (Insert channel name) which, in line with the provisions of the European Directive on Whistleblowing (2019/1937), guarantees the absence of retaliation against the reporting person. Artigo S.p.A. is committed to implementing counter measures that are appropriate and proportionate to the behavior perpetrated.


From the very firs steps of recruitment and selection phases, the company implements procedures to prevent any form of discrimination, ensure fairness and value diversity. Indeed, to ensure that the selection of candidates is based exclusively on skills and competencies, Artigo S.p.A. is committed to training the personnel in charge of the recruitment stages to recognize, then manage, any unconscious bias that could influence their decisions.


Artigo S.p.A. supports inclusive access, for all dimensions of diversity, to growth paths within the company and career development. To this end, the company has developed its own performance appraisal process on objective criteria and, in order to encourage a respectful and protective line of conduct towards the various dimensions of diversity, it has also included among its KPIs the propensity of the person evaluated to engage in behaviors aligned with D&I principles. 


The company commits to analyzing the pay situation on the basis of diversity indicators and to reducing, to the point of eliminating, any salary disparities that cannot be justified based on objective and neutral criteria, so as to ensure the fair remuneration of jobs and duties with equivalent value in terms of task and level.


In its desire to support the well-being of its people, the company adopts policies, procedures and solutions to promote work-life balance and, specifically, to support employees who perform caregiving activities and to sustain parenting in its various forms.


The company is committed to using and encouraging, in its internal and external communication, a language that is non-discriminatory and non-categorized by gender, and to communicate transparently, both internally and externally, its willingness to promote and protect equal opportunity.


Allocate adequate resources, both in terms of budget and personnel, to the achievement and maintenance of the goals included in the Strategic Plan.

In addition, Artigo S.p.A. has indentified specific performance indicators (KPIs), to measure and monitor the progress of objectives within the Strategic Plan. These KPIs are divided into the six thematic areas of the practice:

  1. Culture and Strategy
  2. Governance
  3. HR Processes
  4. Opportunities for growth and inclusion of women in business
  5. Gender pay equity
  6. Parental protection and work-life balance

The Gender Equality Policy is rooted, in addition to corporate values, in contractual provisions, in current national and international regulations, and in the requirements of international standards.

This corporate gender equality policy is defined by senior management, in coordination with the Steering Committee.

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Ginevra Astesiano

(steering committee)


Luca Pedrazzi

(the management)