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Rubber flooring in
university design

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Rubber flooring in
university design
Flooring for universities
The approach to learning in universities differs from that taken in lower level schools. The traditional approach calls for large halls with ample seating capacity, paired with a series of spaces designed for studying individually or in small groups.
The environments are less structured than those found in traditional schools, and are meant to foster a higher degree of autonomy in time-management and learning strategies, responding to each student’s individual preferences.
LaboratoriesCRAI.lab Universidad de Jaén
CultureConservatory Cimendef
CultureAcadémie de Versailles
UniversitiesOTH Regensburg
UniversitiesOffices University Paris 8
OfficesUniversity of Trieste Campus
UniversitiesGolden West College
LaboratoriesCommunity College Westpoint
UniversitiesCampus Einaudi
UniversitiesAula Magna Giovanni Agnelli
UniversitiesUniversity of Western Sydney
UniversitiesBrookfield Institute
UniversitiesFH Campus
UniversitiesUniversitat ZMBP
LaboratoriesBialystok Science & Technology
LaboratoriesUniversity Campus Forlì
UniversitiesETS Arquitectura
UniversitiesDouglas College
UniversitiesVaxholm Campus
UniversitiesUniversity Library Leiden
University settings are designed to be comfortable and dynamic, often featuring a variety of shapes whose functionality is associated with an exclusive aesthetic that helps encourage a sense of identity and belonging.
Architectural components such as hallways and stairs are an important part of the whole and benefit from Artigo flooring, which ensures comfort and reduces the sound of footsteps.
- Reduces the sound of footsteps, especially in hallways and shared spaces.
- Slip resistance.
- Walking comfort.
- Allows for the creation of distinctive architectural features.
- Internal air quality, thanks to very low emissions.
- Easy and quick every-day cleaning.
- Saves on water, energy and detergents.
- Thin, lightweight flooring, very suitable for renovations.
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